working paper
Older Workers and Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums: Evidence From Linked Administrative and Survey Data

Using survey data linked to administrative earnings records, this study quantifies the relationship between employer age structure and health insurance premiums and explores how public policies affect this relationship.

December 2023 · Owen F. Davis

    working paper
How Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Work? Exploring the Role of Commuting and Personal Transportation

This paper uses a simulated instrument approach leveraging metro-level variation in EITC exposure to compare labor-supply responses to policy changes between areas with varying levels of dependence on cars for commuting workers.

October 2023 · Owen F. Davis

Retirement Reforms Are Necessary—So Is Strengthening Social Security

In light of growing calls for retirement system reform, this report assesses the economic effects of Social Security, concluding that any reforms to federal retirement policy must be built on the foundation of a protected and strengthened Social Security system.

December 2022 · Owen F. Davis, Siavash Radpour, Eva Conway, Teresa Ghilarducci